Thursday, December 2, 2010

Hello all!

It’s been a while!  I’ve been thinking lately a lot about the little things in life.  Instead of giving you all a long run down of everything that’s happened, I’ll leave you with a list of some of the little things that bring joy and irony to my daily life in Spain.

It’s the little moments during the day that really matter…imagine yourself in my place.  It’s like when:
Ø      Your 80 year old art professor decides to repeatedly act out “erección” in the Dali museum.  Yeah, that word means what you think it does.
Ø      Barca kills the opposing team in an 8 to 0 victory, and everyone in the bar celebrates by happily swearing at the other team. 
Ø      Your host mom gives you the sex talk, European-style.
Ø      You get tipsy at 1:30pm in a museum…of Bacardi products.
Ø      A man decides to catcall you in the street, and a 90-year-old woman on the other side of the street yells “Shut up you son of a bitch!”
Ø      You ask a prostitute for a kleenex and she gives it to you.
Ø      A waiter asks you out in front of 4 of your friends.
Ø      You decide you have officially become an okupa of peeing due to lack of public bathrooms.
Ø      In grammar class, you are all bored while talking about words ending in –ia, and then your dear friend Natalia jumps in with an enthusiastic “Sangria!”
Ø      Your grammar teacher counters “Sangria” with “Alegria” (Happiness).
Ø      While at a football game at Camp Nou, YOU SEE MESSI!
Ø      Messi scores a goal.  While you are watching live!
Ø      The 5 year old boy that you are teaching English drops a toy and immediately goes, “JODER!” (FUCK!).  Four seconds later, he asks you how to say it in English, because he wants to tell his mom he learned something cool.
Ø      You get the pleasure of hearing two drunk girls sing “Tonight’s gonna be a good night” for 11 metro stops at 4:30 am.
Ø      You have made public your distaste for bodily hair on men.
Ø      Your school building reminds you a little bit of Harry Potter every time you enter.
Ø      Watching the fashion on the metro every morning is one of your main sources of entertainment every day.
Ø      Finally you find one person in the entirety of Europe that understands and is respectful of your decision to be vegetarian.
Ø      Your art professor compares Messi and Cristiano Ronaldo with gladiators…and each other.
Ø      Pasapalabra.  It’s a game show that is all about words and guessing what word the announcer is describing.  It’s like my favorite thing about this country.
Ø      A man on the Ramblas has told you “I luffff you”.
Ø      Every time you look around, it’s obvious that Spanish men are a lot more open to femininity than American men.
Ø      You ask your intercambio if he’s gay.  He says no.  You continue to think and treat him like he’s gay, because gaydar does not work in Spain.
Ø      You get any type of written communication in your mailbox.  It’s usually a note from the school or from the program director, but all mail is awesome.
Ø      Someone has attempted to entice you to a bar by offering Xupitos and novios.  (Shots and boyfriends.)
Ø     You go to the Ramblas after Barca wins "el clasico," the huge rivalry between Barcelona and Madrid.  You stay there singing "Ese portugues, hijo puta es" (referencing Cristiano Ronaldo as a son of a bitch) and "Villa Maravilla" until 1am.  Oh yeah, and you have a final you didn't study for in 9 hours. 

That's all for now lovlies!  Tomorrow I leave for a two week trip around Spain.  There will be pictures and stories I'm sure...

<3 Besitos, Mandy